Available as part of the six-story OUTMODE Anthology
During my research for this story, I found some fascinating articles. If you want to geek out read on...
AdAge - A.I. and Ad Agencies: Bringing Cognitive Intelligence to Clients.
ClickZ - Cognitive marketing: The impact of AI on advertising
ClickZ - How artificial intelligence drives more effective advertising campaigns
Campaign - Human brain sees off AI ‘creative director’, barely
PSFK - This AI Creative Director Is Beating Its Human Counterparts
The Guardian - Is artificial intelligence the next step in advertising?
AdWeek - Coca-Cola Wants to Use AI Bots to Create Its Ads
CNBC - Even the Mad Men could be replaced by machines someday
Wired - In Two Moves, AlphaGo and Lee Sedol Redefined the Future
When machines do most of humanity’s thinking, creativity has become the last remaining stronghold where people still have the upper hand. But for how long? Martin, the head copywriter of the most celebrated advertising agency in town, suddenly finds himself written out of a job by artificial intelligence after a merger with a technology company. He is left with no other option. His next move must be one that nobody expects, least of all his digital nemesis. If playing by the rules doesn’t work, it’s time for a little anarchy.
Christopher Hart © 2019